Dec 23 2010

Man Kills Shark With His Butt [Strange But True]

Here’s one to make the kids chuckle.

The New York Post is known for their great headlines, but they missed the boat on this one.

A Serbian man reportedly has become a hero in Egypt — by accidentally killing a shark with his butt while drunk.

Aside: Accidentally? Is this something one could manage to do on purpose?

Dragan Stevic was soused to the gills while partying at the Red Sea resort Sharm El Sheikh when he inadvertently felled the beast that had been terrorizing tourists for weeks.
Stevic cannonballed into the water from a high-diving board, according to a Macedonian news agency.
Instead of making a splash, he came down right on the shark’s head, killing the toothed terror instantly.

How is this not called Man Kills Shark With His Butt?
