Sep 07 2012

Bow To Your Soccerbot Overlords, Eventually

Among the many things our children will likely see in their lifetimes is fully functioning robots that can do more than simply clean our floors. Whether or not we parents will see such things depends upon both the pace of technology and how old we are. I’m old enough to be in the “maybe, maybe not” category.

According to this video from TheVerge of RoboCup 2012, I’m leaning towards “maybe not” for me being forced to fight the T-1000. The video features “the world’s best soccer robots [battling] it out in Mexico City for the Louis Vuitton Best Humanoid trophy”.

Best Humanoid Trophy. Kind of Orwellian, no?

Here’s the video.


Video: Real steel: the broken necks and baby steps of RoboCup 2012 (video) | The Verge.